Viết lại câu, sử dụng causative form

1. The shop delivers Alice’s milk to her house.
⇒Alice............................................ .

2. At the butcher’s, Frank said, ‘Please cut the meat into big pieces’.
⇒Frank...........................................into big pieces.

3. The hairdresser cuts Rita’s hair about three times a year.
⇒Rita........................................................about three times a year.

4. Last month, the optician checked Mr Brown’s eyes.
⇒Last month, Mr Brown............................................. .

5. Mrs Green’s doctor says to her: ‘When you come to see me next week, I’ll check your blood pressure.’
⇒When Mrs Green goes to see the doctor next week, she.................................... .

6. Last week, the garage serviced Julie’s car.
⇒Last week, Julie............................................... .

7. A builder is going to mend the roof on our house.
⇒We .................................................on our house.

8. He gets people to make all his shoes in Italy. 

⇒He ………………………………

9. Philip isn't here - someone is cutting his hair for him. 

⇒Philip isn't here – He ………………

10. We had our garage built last year.

⇒We ……………

11. We have just paid someone to paint our house. 

⇒We …………

12. Last week they put in a new central heating system in your house.

⇒Last week we .………………

13. I'll have to go to the optician's and tell him to change my glasses. 

⇒I'll have to go to the optician's to ……………………

14. Sean went to the local bicycle repair shop for fixing the rear wheel of his bike. 

⇒Sean went to the local bicycle repair shop .…………

15. Helen's car was dirty this morning, but it looks perfect now. She's been to the garage. 

⇒[Present Perfect] Helen her car ………………………..at the garage.

16. Do you ask someone to type your essays?


17. My granny Violet doesn't like asking people to do her shopping. 

⇒My granny Violet doesn't like ……………………


Chọn từ phù hợp nhất trong ngoặc.

1. We’re getting a new house ___. (build/built/builds/builded)

2. You will need to get your photo ___ for your new passport. (took/take/take/taken)

3. A jeweller’s is a place where you can have your watch ___(repaired/stolen/cut/delivered)

4. A florist’s is a place where you can have flowers ___.(delivered/cleaned/fixed/checked)

5. I had my bag ___ when I was on holiday. (stolen/steal/sealed/stealed)

6. I’m going to have my bedroom walls ___ this weekend. (paint/painted/painteded/panted)

7. I had my holiday pictures ___ in an hour at the photograph shop. (repaired/cut/developed/checked)


Hoàn thành các câu sau với mẫu have something done.

1.We usually .......................... (the bedrooms/ redecorate) every two years.

2.Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she.................. (it / make) by a designer in Italy.score

3.................................. (you / ever/ anything / steal) from your house?score

4.He didn't fix his car himself, he..................................(it / fix) at the garage.

5.Your hair is too long. You need.......................................(it / cut).

6.I'm going to do my food shopping online and I...............................................(the food / deliver) to my house.score

7.If you can't see properly, you should....................................(your eyes / test).

8.Are they going to paint the kitchen themselves, or.......................................(it / paint)?score